
Six ways to keep your hot tub running costs down

Posted by Tom Smith

ways to keep your hot tub running costs down

So, you’ve received your exciting hot tub delivery, and now you’re looking for ways to enjoy it and keep your hot tub running costs down. In this blog, we’re giving you lots of money-saving tips!

Great quality hot tubs are generally not expensive to run. This is because they have been built using high-quality materials that allow them to become more energy efficient. There are many things that can affect your hot tub running costs.

What can affect hot tub running costs?

Hot tub usage

It goes without saying that the more you use your hot tub, the more it will cost. However, there are things you can do to keep the costs lower, and we’ll get onto those later.

Hot tub insulation

Energy-efficient hot tubs are built using excellent insulation. For example, Master Spas™ use Icynene Foam insulation which expands to fill the space around each hot tub’s components. This helps to eliminate cold spots and allows for a consistent temperature in the spa. In addition, Platinum Spas™ feature Platinum Premium Shield, which combines five ways to keep energy costs down and your hot tub well-heated.

The size of your hot tub

If you decide to purchase a bigger hot tub, it’ll take more power to heat up the water. However, the differences are actually small, so it shouldn’t stop you from getting a bigger hot tub. A large hot tub is the perfect location for summer garden parties with friends and family!

Hot tub jets

Hot tub jets can provide a lovely massage on different areas of the body. These jets are carefully placed in hot tubs to target problem areas such as the back and legs. Find out more about do hot tubs help sore muscles?

Energy tariffs

Energy tariffs can vary based on where you live and the supplier you use. You can check your monthly energy bills to see your average energy consumption by kW.


In the summer months, you may notice that your hot tub running costs are lower, and there are a few reasons why this might occur. One reason is that you’re using the hot tub at a lower temperature due to the summer heat. Another reason is that your hot tub is retaining its heat better. Either way, it’s a bonus for you!

hot tub running costs

Six ways to keep hot tub running costs down

The great news is that there are plenty of ways to keep your hot tub costs down. Here are some of the most efficient ways.

Use a good hot tub cover

A hot tub cover should be used whenever you’re not using your spa. Each cover is specific to the hot tub model purchased. We provide a free hot tub cover with every spa purchase, so you can rest assured that your spa is protected.

A hot tub cover can help to protect your spa and also reduces the risk of debris landing in the water. This means you won’t need to empty and re-fill the spa quite as often. Your cover can also be used to help maintain the temperature in the spa.

You should check the spa cover regularly to ensure that it is in good working condition. The cover should not have any cuts or rips in it, as these may hinder its performance. You will need to replace the cover if it is ripped.

Check and clean filters regularly

Hot tub filters keep the water flowing and clean inside the spa. The filter should be in place whenever the spa is being used. This means the filter can get dirty and clogged.

Before removing the filter for cleaning, you will need to switch off the hot tub. Once released, you can place the filter under warm running water to rinse off any dirt. After cleaning, you will need to wait for the filter to dry before putting it back into the hot tub. Some hot tub owners choose to have a spare filter so they can switch them over when cleaning.

While cleaning, you should also check the filter for any splits. Cuts in the filter may lead to poor water quality and could cause issues with your spa. You should replace the filter if it is not in good condition.

hot tub cost planning

Lower the temperature

Ahhh, isn’t it lovely soaking in a warm hot tub?! The best part is that you can still enjoy relaxing in your hot tub without compromising too much on the water temperature.

The maximum temperature that your hot tub water should be set to is 40 degrees Celsius. Having your hot tub at the maximum temperature can be tempting, but it’s not essential! Just lowering the temperature to around 38 degrees Celsius can make a difference to your energy costs, and you can still enjoy the spa. Check out our hard-shell hot tubs for sale.

Position your hot tub away from the wind

If you’re waiting on your hot tub delivery, this one is easier to follow, but it’s a good idea to place your hot tub close to your house or a wall to protect it from the wind. This will allow you and your water to remain warmer and reduce the chances of debris landing in the water. Occasionally, you will notice debris in the water wherever the spa is placed. Many hot tub owners choose to use a small net to remove this.

If you’re thinking of buying a hot tub but don’t know where to position it, just ask a member of our team! We’re always happy to provide you with advice and answer any questions you may have.

Standby mode rather than turning off

Many people turn off their hot tub whenever they aren’t using it, and while it may sound like the right thing to do, it may be costing more. In some cases, you’re better off leaving the hot tub on standby at a lower, steady temperature than turning it off between uses.

Leaving the hot tub on standby means that the next time you want to use it, it doesn’t have to work quite as hard to heat the water. This means that you can save money, as it takes less time before it’s ready. This method for lower running costs may work better for those who use their hot tub regularly. Have a look for a hot tub with a Bluetooth speaker.

what can affect hot tub costs

Create a hot tub maintenance and cleaning schedule

Hot tub cleaning can seem like a big thing, but it becomes very easy when you get into a routine! You only need to complete a deep clean of your hot tub four times a year. We recommend deep cleaning during each season. A deep clean means completely emptying and refilling the spa.

In the interim, you should ensure that dirt is wiped away and that the water remains clear. You should also complete regular testing of your water to ensure that it is safe for use. Check out our hot tub cleaning guide, or reach out to us if you have any questions regarding cleaning.

A hot tub is such a fantastic item to own, and it has so many benefits for you to enjoy. If you’re looking for ways to keep your costs down, then these are a great place to start. We hope this blog has helped you with ways to keep your hot tub running costs down.

Are you thinking about purchasing a luxury American hot tub? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Our friendly team are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our hot tubs for sale in Glasgow.